コネクタープライベートネットワーキングの紹介 : 今後のウェビナーに参加しましょう!

Online Talk

The Rise of Real-Time Event-Driven Architecture

Moderated by Gnanaguru Sattanathan (Guru), Systems Engineer at Confluent Asia Pacific, this Online Talk looks at the major shift happening in how data powers the core of a company's business.

Businesses operate in real-time and the software they use is catching up. Rather than processing data only at the end of the day, enterprises are seeking to react to it continuously as the data arrives.

This is the emerging world of stream processing. Apache Kafka® was built with the vision to become the central nervous system that makes data available in real-time to all the applications that need to use it.

This talk explains how companies are using the concepts of events and streams to transform their business to meet the demands of this digital future and how Apache Kafka® serves as a foundation to streaming data applications.

Guru will introduce a video talk by Confluent’s Tim Berglund, Sr. Director of Developer Experience, during which he will then be available for a Q&A session.

Register now for this 60 minute session.


Tim Berglund

Tim Berglund は、StarTree の開発者広報部門のリーダーとして、さらには教師や作家としても活躍しています。米国や世界中のさまざまな会議で頻繁に講演者を務め、O'Reilly トレーニングビデオの共同プレゼンターとして Git から分散型システムまで多彩なテーマをカバーするほか、『Gradle Beyond the Basics』の著者でもあります。ツイート (@tlberglund) やブログ投稿 (http://timberglund.com) に加え、ポッドキャスト (http://devrelrad.io) の共同ホストとしても発信しており、米国コロラド州リトルトンに長年連れ添った妻と末子と共に暮らしています(他の2人の子供はほぼ成人に近い年齢)。

Gnanaguru (Guru) Sattanathan

Systems Engineer

Gnanaguru (Guru) Sattanathan is a Systems Engineer at Confluent. He focuses on helping enterprises to bring up Fast Data platforms that can process real-time events at a scale. His experience includes implementing IoT solutions & Real-time data platforms for enterprises across diverse industry verticals.



cc demo
kafka microservices
Image-Event-Driven Microservices-01


cc demo
kafka microservices