Confluent Chronicles 第2号 : Kafka + Flink の力が目覚めるとき | 今すぐ読む

Online Talk

Building an Enterprise Eventing Framework

Available On-Demand

Learn how Centene improved their ability to interact and engage with healthcare providers in real time with MongoDB and Confluent Platform.

Centene is a large multi-line managed care enterprise that serves as a major intermediary for both government-sponsored and privately insured health care programs. The company is fundamentally modernizing its legacy monolithic systems to support distributed, real-time event-driven healthcare information processing. A key part of their architecture is the development of a universal eventing framework designed to accommodate transformation into an event-driven architecture (EDA).

The business requirements within Centene's claims adjudication domain were solved leveraging the Kafka Stream DSL, Confluent Platform and MongoDB. Most importantly, Centene discusses how they plan on leveraging this framework to change their culture from batch processing to real-time stream processing.


Bryan Zelle

IT Manager



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kafka microservices
Image-Event-Driven Microservices-01


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kafka microservices